Monday, February 13, 2012

Teen's body found in Delaware River near battleship

Late Sunday morning, a teen body was pulled out of the Delaware River near the Battleship of New Jersey The 18-year old female, who was last seen February 3 and reported missing two days later, authorities don't know exactly what happen to her or how long she was in the water due to temperatures after an battleship employee discovered her body just after 10 a.m

Friday, October 22, 2010

A Sickening Excuse For Murder Approved By The Government

Murder is defined as unlawful killing of another human being with premeditated intent by another human being. If that is the case of murder then answer me this where is the lawfulness in Partial Abortion. Partial Abortion is no different than murder its self, it is the taking of the life of another human being, and one that cannot defend its self yet at that, and with premeditated intent. It is of my view point that it needs to be brought to an immediate halt.

Partial Abortion is a surgical technique that is preformed in the last trimester where the abortionist guided by ultra sound goes in to the mother’s womb and grabs the fully developed baby by the leg and begins pulling it out. The baby is then pulled into the birth canal and the abortionist delivers everything except the baby’s head. The abortionist then takes a pair of scissors and jams them into the back of the baby’s head. The scissors are then opened to enlarge the hole in the baby’s skull. The scissors are then removed and a suction catheter is inserted. The baby’s brains are then sucked out and the skull then collapses, and after the dead baby’s body is removed. (Frank, Fr. Priest For Life, 18 Apr. 2007. Web. 21 Oct. 2010.)

The first partial abortion on record was performed in 1983 and is still legal in many states. 31 States have enacted bans on partial abortion, 14 of which. state laws have been specifically blocked by a court and are not in effect. 17 state laws are in effect; 7 of them remain unchallenged but, because of the broad nature of their language, are presumably unenforceable under the Supreme Court’s 2000 decision in Stenberg v. Carhart, which struck down a Nebraska ban. Else wise that means that nineteen other state allow partial abortion.The extent of the problem proceeds to affect the ones unable to defend themselves a.k.a. the baby. The baby who did not asked to be birthed into the world and then before even getting a chance to even see the world in any form in stabbed in the back of the head and mercilessly murder. This a child that will now never truly be loved, never get to make friends, go to school or just enjoy life’s everyday pleasures.

The Human race is also in jeopardy as well because your ending human life. By killing these babies who have chance that may be the one that may find out the cure to cancer, aids, or even sickle cell. If accounted for in murders in a year about 500 -1000 of them come from partial abortion. It’s just an approved way to murder off the innocent for no reason other that someone got pregnant and did not want to own up to the responsibility of taking care of their child.
Repercussions to the problem include that one of which I just stated, there is no telling what could happen if specific children that were killed weren’t killed. This also is constant repercussion of death, it is killing off life. It is a unlawful act that is somehow is being passes as okay.

As long as this issue is pressed there will also be those who fight against it. Thus the Partial Abortion Ban Act of 2003. “This is a United States Law that prohibiting a form of late-term abortion that the Act calls “Partial Abortion”. This statute prohibits a method of abortion the United States that it names "partial birth abortion". The procedure described in the statute is usually used in the second trimester, from 15 to 26 weeks, some of which occur before and some of which occur after viability. The law itself contains no reference to gestational age or viability. The present statute is directed only at a method of abortion, rather than at preventing any woman from obtaining an abortion. The statute includes two findings of Congress:

1. A moral, medical, and ethical consensus exists that the practice of performing a partial-birth abortion... is a gruesome and inhumane procedure that is never medically necessary and should be prohibited.
2. Rather than being an abortion procedure that is embraced by the medical community, particularly among physicians who routinely perform other abortion procedures, partial-birth abortion remains a disfavored procedure that is not only unnecessary to preserve the health of the mother, but in fact poses serious risks to the long-term health of women and in some circumstances, their lives. As a result, at least 27 States banned the procedure as did the United States Congress which voted to ban the procedure during the 104th, 105th, and 106th Congresses.” (

Facts and personal opinions both that agree with one another show that partial abortion is nothing more than unlawful murder that has been unfairly justified to the convenience of the party that had the baby and no longer wants it to the point they have the child killed before full birth is complete, against the party that is unable to defend or voice what it wants. It also has put the human race in danger as well by killing off those who could have done the world a little bit better than others that have been born and basically helped destroy people. It is unfair that a cold hearted criminal that has no remorse for what he/she has done can kill someone and then live an extra 10 plus year before being put to death and yet somehow a innocent child that has done nothing wrong can be put to death before even getting a chance to live. It is a fact that it is a pre-intended thought that the abortionist is going to jab a pair of scissors in to the baby’s skull then suck the child’s brains out into a tube.

It is also a fact that murder is defined as a act of taking a humans life via another human with premeditated intent. My case is if all these things are factual then why is partial abortion still legal at all. Now I also understand that there are medical reason for abortions that take place, but my issues is not with all abortions. My issues reside alongside partial abortion. Yes I’m against it all but this in general is my main point of what I feel is the most horrid form of abortion. The child is fully developed and is being killed without have the choice to say no I want to live.

In conclusion, partial abortion is nothing more than eliminating life with full government approval. It is the taking of the life of the innocent that have harmed no one, hurt, bullied, caused any kind of emotional pain to anyone with INTENT! It unfortunate fact that it does exist and that there are those like me that stand against it. In the only thing that matters is that we end the senseless murder of the ones who can’t defend themselves just because of those who aren’t responsible enough to take care of their own creation.

Work Citied
Frank, Fr. Priest For Life, 18 Apr. 2007. Web. 21 Oct. 2010.
GUTTMACHER INSTITUTE. N.p., 1 Oct. 2010. google. Web. 21 Oct. 2010.

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Difference Between High School and College Life

Being a first-year student is fun. Unlike high school, where your first year is usually filled with anxiety and the occasional wrong-classroom mishap, colleges prepare first-year students with an orientation that builds a strong bond among class members.

Many colleges offer additional early orientation programs (usually a camping trip or gathering hosted in a nearby city) to foster relationships before the school year even begins. Attend as many orientations options as possible. It will make your college transition easier if you already have bonds with your classmates. Once orientation is over and the upper-class students are back on campus, you will find that they are excited to meet the first-year students, and you become very comfortable in the college setting very quickly but High school life and college life is different in many ways.

These different ways reflect a major change in a person's life when making the transition from one life to the next. Some of the things that are different fir High school and college are the student life and faculty. One way to compare and contrast high school life and college life is student population. The population in college far exceeds high school enrollment. In high school the average number of students is seven hundred fifty and in college the average number of students is approximately seven thousand.

Also, in college the authority figures are less visible than in high school. In high school, teachers restrain the students in all activities and events. Where as in college, the students are given more freedom to control themselves. Another difference is, in high school the classes are set in block form with no flexibility because the schedule is set by administration. College classes are more flexible because students get to choose what hours during the day they want to attend a class if an alternative is available.

Another way to high school life and college life are different from each other are high school teachers and college professors. High school teachers verbally explain what is expected throughout the duration of the semester. College professors give a syllabus which covers assignments and conduct. Taking class attendance is also done differently. Attendance is expected in high school with parent and administration approving any absences and in college, attendance is expected but students are solely responsible for attending classes because some college teachers believe the students should be mature enough to make their own decision on whether to attend class or not and leave it to them to make that decision, plus When you are in high school, your parents are often there to stand between you and temptations. Once parents are removed from the equation, you are left with you and your choices. Just because your parents said you cannot do something does not mean you cannot do it.

However, this is where personal choice and responsibility come in. Once you are in college in many ways you are considered an adult, and you have more opportunities to be sexually active. You might have been exposed to some of these things in high school, but the barrier of your parents' rules (or boarding-school regulations) made decisions easier. You choose how to balance your academic and social life.

You make all of your own decisions, and you are responsible for the consequences. You choose whether or not you are comfortable with drinking, drugs and/or sex. Remember that being an adult does not mean you need to figure everything out by yourself. Gathering information about these and other decisions, and talking to parents, siblings, and friends can help you make these important decisions. Most campuses also have counselors and health-care workers available to provide information and a listening ear.

The way the teachers teach is way different from High school because in college the two High school teachers teach from the textbook giving little if any notes at all. College professors teach lecture style requiring a great deal of note taking. Because in college you'll need to take notes on reading assignments that are never discussed in class. You'll also need to take notes on what is said in class, not just what is written on the board. Often the content of classroom conversation is not in the book, but it may be on the exam.

After graduating from high school I enrolled into college and noticed that there are many differences between them. A few of these differences include the attitude and responsibilities of the teachers and students and the amount of work given to the students because both educations is an important part of one’s life. To achieve a good education, one should attend both high school and college. Although some people think high school has a lot in common with college, I still think that college is not similar to high school.

Friday, August 27, 2010


Hello my name is Tina Precious Jones-Smith i am 30 years old married for 12 years I have two children who are wins, one boy and a girl. My husband is a good looking Gentleman and all the ladies like to hit on him. this went to his head. he thinks that he can do better. he told me that he does not love me and that he hasn't loved me in 8 years. what do u do ? i am a hard working person, I think i did my part as a mom. He as in my husband told me that he stayed because of the kids. well our children are not babies anymore so I guess we will not make it to our 13th anniversary. Never did I ever think it would happen to me. 12 years together. I thought we had a good foundation. A beautiful home in Syracuse, New York , both with professional careers, respected by our peers and on top of that the sex was mind-boggling.
We started socializing with a new couple that worked with us (yes we all worked at the same company since day one). We dined together. Went to the movies together. Partied together and we both had two children. One night we were at their house at a party and something to me just didn't seem right. You know, after being with someone for 12 years it is like a sixth sense. The morning after the party, I got up early and went on to our computer. I started checking the history and low and behold, I found numerous email accounts that I had no ideal about. So I started trying to crack the passwords. Never use a password that is the name of your dog! Too easy! I couldn't believe my eyes! The next day he moved out. He left his wife and kids within a week. I was devastated. Lost 33 pounds in one month. I went to work and they were there. Giggling like little teenagers. I thought I was going to lose my mind. The next month was pure hell. I found over 100 emails to and from him to other woman that to this day I still do not know who they are. He always told me he was going mall shopping with his friends. He always came home with packages and some dinner for me. Why would I have any doubt where he was. The next month brought my friends to my door, telling me "stories" they had heard about him. Why did they not tell me before? Did they not want to hurt my feelings? I guess if I was in their shoes I would have kept my mouth shut too. Well, the divorce cost me over $500 and almost two years of my life. I still think about it everyday. Some days it is like it never happened and other days it is in living color. I still can't believe he is gone. Well, he has moved in with her now. I guess they are in love. I will learn to love again. I will learn to trust again. But I will never forget the pain that he caused me while we were married.
Three years past I am now 33 years am both of my teenagers are 13 years old. Its been very hard for us because we are use to have a two paycheck home and now we just have one, so I asked my mother Patrice to come stay with me and help me out but it wasn’t doing good because my mom always resented me because when I was younger her boyfriend raped me and I had two kids by him but ended up giving them up for adoption because I was young and I wasn’t ready for kids and I was physically being abuse by my mother so I was in no condition. I continued to go to school where I learned how to read and write at the proper level for my age and I graduated with 2.5 average and I never been that happy in my entire life. So after I graduated me and my mother haven’t talked in years because of the things she did to me because she was just an evil person, always sat on the couch and watch reality tv, and made me cook all the food without offering me anything, I got sick and tired of being treated like Sh*t so I packed my things and moved out because I felt that if I was going to continue to live there I was going to die because of the negative tension that me and my mother had. In the Process of moving I met the young guy name Alexander. He was 5”11,carmel complexion, nice lips and pretty eyes that was irresistible so since the day we met we have been each others best friends. Even though my mother wasn’t part of my life when I was older she didn’t approve of my husband because she thought he wasn’t good enough for me but I thought he was the best for me because he tool care of me, give me what I want and blessed me with 2 beautiful children so I didn’t care what she thought because I had what I needed and that was my family.
As years passed me after we got married and had the twins I noticed things a little different in our relationship because we wasn’t communicating as much and he was starting to come home later and later after I stopped working at the law firm and he the twins so long story short I found a whole bunch of emails for a anonymous person telling him how much she loved him and all this other B.S, so I confronted him and he denied it and the last time I asked him I caught him in a lie because I remember exactly what he said so we didn’t talk for that night, so when I went to asked him the next day he was gone all his stuff were gone and it was no trace of him and I was right he cheated on me so he left because the guilt was going to eat him up and he didn’t want me to be mad in front of our children so he did what was best and left and since then I been working and raising my children on my own and being happily single because I am free to do what I want and when I want without answering to any man besides GOD.