Friday, September 17, 2010

The Difference Between High School and College Life

Being a first-year student is fun. Unlike high school, where your first year is usually filled with anxiety and the occasional wrong-classroom mishap, colleges prepare first-year students with an orientation that builds a strong bond among class members.

Many colleges offer additional early orientation programs (usually a camping trip or gathering hosted in a nearby city) to foster relationships before the school year even begins. Attend as many orientations options as possible. It will make your college transition easier if you already have bonds with your classmates. Once orientation is over and the upper-class students are back on campus, you will find that they are excited to meet the first-year students, and you become very comfortable in the college setting very quickly but High school life and college life is different in many ways.

These different ways reflect a major change in a person's life when making the transition from one life to the next. Some of the things that are different fir High school and college are the student life and faculty. One way to compare and contrast high school life and college life is student population. The population in college far exceeds high school enrollment. In high school the average number of students is seven hundred fifty and in college the average number of students is approximately seven thousand.

Also, in college the authority figures are less visible than in high school. In high school, teachers restrain the students in all activities and events. Where as in college, the students are given more freedom to control themselves. Another difference is, in high school the classes are set in block form with no flexibility because the schedule is set by administration. College classes are more flexible because students get to choose what hours during the day they want to attend a class if an alternative is available.

Another way to high school life and college life are different from each other are high school teachers and college professors. High school teachers verbally explain what is expected throughout the duration of the semester. College professors give a syllabus which covers assignments and conduct. Taking class attendance is also done differently. Attendance is expected in high school with parent and administration approving any absences and in college, attendance is expected but students are solely responsible for attending classes because some college teachers believe the students should be mature enough to make their own decision on whether to attend class or not and leave it to them to make that decision, plus When you are in high school, your parents are often there to stand between you and temptations. Once parents are removed from the equation, you are left with you and your choices. Just because your parents said you cannot do something does not mean you cannot do it.

However, this is where personal choice and responsibility come in. Once you are in college in many ways you are considered an adult, and you have more opportunities to be sexually active. You might have been exposed to some of these things in high school, but the barrier of your parents' rules (or boarding-school regulations) made decisions easier. You choose how to balance your academic and social life.

You make all of your own decisions, and you are responsible for the consequences. You choose whether or not you are comfortable with drinking, drugs and/or sex. Remember that being an adult does not mean you need to figure everything out by yourself. Gathering information about these and other decisions, and talking to parents, siblings, and friends can help you make these important decisions. Most campuses also have counselors and health-care workers available to provide information and a listening ear.

The way the teachers teach is way different from High school because in college the two High school teachers teach from the textbook giving little if any notes at all. College professors teach lecture style requiring a great deal of note taking. Because in college you'll need to take notes on reading assignments that are never discussed in class. You'll also need to take notes on what is said in class, not just what is written on the board. Often the content of classroom conversation is not in the book, but it may be on the exam.

After graduating from high school I enrolled into college and noticed that there are many differences between them. A few of these differences include the attitude and responsibilities of the teachers and students and the amount of work given to the students because both educations is an important part of one’s life. To achieve a good education, one should attend both high school and college. Although some people think high school has a lot in common with college, I still think that college is not similar to high school.