Friday, August 27, 2010


Hello my name is Tina Precious Jones-Smith i am 30 years old married for 12 years I have two children who are wins, one boy and a girl. My husband is a good looking Gentleman and all the ladies like to hit on him. this went to his head. he thinks that he can do better. he told me that he does not love me and that he hasn't loved me in 8 years. what do u do ? i am a hard working person, I think i did my part as a mom. He as in my husband told me that he stayed because of the kids. well our children are not babies anymore so I guess we will not make it to our 13th anniversary. Never did I ever think it would happen to me. 12 years together. I thought we had a good foundation. A beautiful home in Syracuse, New York , both with professional careers, respected by our peers and on top of that the sex was mind-boggling.
We started socializing with a new couple that worked with us (yes we all worked at the same company since day one). We dined together. Went to the movies together. Partied together and we both had two children. One night we were at their house at a party and something to me just didn't seem right. You know, after being with someone for 12 years it is like a sixth sense. The morning after the party, I got up early and went on to our computer. I started checking the history and low and behold, I found numerous email accounts that I had no ideal about. So I started trying to crack the passwords. Never use a password that is the name of your dog! Too easy! I couldn't believe my eyes! The next day he moved out. He left his wife and kids within a week. I was devastated. Lost 33 pounds in one month. I went to work and they were there. Giggling like little teenagers. I thought I was going to lose my mind. The next month was pure hell. I found over 100 emails to and from him to other woman that to this day I still do not know who they are. He always told me he was going mall shopping with his friends. He always came home with packages and some dinner for me. Why would I have any doubt where he was. The next month brought my friends to my door, telling me "stories" they had heard about him. Why did they not tell me before? Did they not want to hurt my feelings? I guess if I was in their shoes I would have kept my mouth shut too. Well, the divorce cost me over $500 and almost two years of my life. I still think about it everyday. Some days it is like it never happened and other days it is in living color. I still can't believe he is gone. Well, he has moved in with her now. I guess they are in love. I will learn to love again. I will learn to trust again. But I will never forget the pain that he caused me while we were married.
Three years past I am now 33 years am both of my teenagers are 13 years old. Its been very hard for us because we are use to have a two paycheck home and now we just have one, so I asked my mother Patrice to come stay with me and help me out but it wasn’t doing good because my mom always resented me because when I was younger her boyfriend raped me and I had two kids by him but ended up giving them up for adoption because I was young and I wasn’t ready for kids and I was physically being abuse by my mother so I was in no condition. I continued to go to school where I learned how to read and write at the proper level for my age and I graduated with 2.5 average and I never been that happy in my entire life. So after I graduated me and my mother haven’t talked in years because of the things she did to me because she was just an evil person, always sat on the couch and watch reality tv, and made me cook all the food without offering me anything, I got sick and tired of being treated like Sh*t so I packed my things and moved out because I felt that if I was going to continue to live there I was going to die because of the negative tension that me and my mother had. In the Process of moving I met the young guy name Alexander. He was 5”11,carmel complexion, nice lips and pretty eyes that was irresistible so since the day we met we have been each others best friends. Even though my mother wasn’t part of my life when I was older she didn’t approve of my husband because she thought he wasn’t good enough for me but I thought he was the best for me because he tool care of me, give me what I want and blessed me with 2 beautiful children so I didn’t care what she thought because I had what I needed and that was my family.
As years passed me after we got married and had the twins I noticed things a little different in our relationship because we wasn’t communicating as much and he was starting to come home later and later after I stopped working at the law firm and he the twins so long story short I found a whole bunch of emails for a anonymous person telling him how much she loved him and all this other B.S, so I confronted him and he denied it and the last time I asked him I caught him in a lie because I remember exactly what he said so we didn’t talk for that night, so when I went to asked him the next day he was gone all his stuff were gone and it was no trace of him and I was right he cheated on me so he left because the guilt was going to eat him up and he didn’t want me to be mad in front of our children so he did what was best and left and since then I been working and raising my children on my own and being happily single because I am free to do what I want and when I want without answering to any man besides GOD.